RAMAKRISHNA MATH & RAMAKRISHNA MISSION, KAMARPUKUR welcomes the public to take part in carrying out various types of work chalked out by Swami Vivekananda for serving humanity. Those who wish to offer their voluntary services may contact the Math Office. Admirers and devotees, who are in sympathy with the objects but are unable to take part in our activities, are cordially invited to help us by contributing to one or more of the Funds, which need their active support.
Donations to Ramakrishna Math & Ramakrishna Mission, Kamarpukur are exempt from income tax under Section 80G of the IT Act, 1961 (Applicable only to Indian donors).
Instructions for Online Donations from Indian Citizens & Organizations
Instructions for Online Donations from Indian Citizens & Organizations
1. Enter the amount in Indian Rupees (Rs.) only.
2. This donation form is only for Indian Citizens either residing in India (or) in a Foreign country.
3. Indian organizations can also donate using this form, they need to enter the organization name in the first name and last name.
4. A minimum amount of Rs.200/- for Math Activities and Rs. 500/- for Mission Activities is required for online donation.
5. A maximum amount of Rs.2,30,000/- can be donated in a single transaction/order.
6. * Please share your PAN Number or Aadhar Number. Please put only one in the Donation Form. PAN is Mandatory to avail 80G facility.
8. All contributions are eligible for exemption u/s 80G of the Income Tax Act.
9. To know about our service activities, please Click here to visit the activities page.
Donation for the all Math Activities (Multiple Donation)
Donation for the all Math Activities (Multiple Donation)
Math General Donation

Endowment Fund Donation

Donation for the all Mission Activities (Multiple Donation)
Donation for the all Mission Activities (Multiple Donation)
Mission General Donation

Endowment Fund Donation