Non-Formal Education
Due to socio-economic difficulties, a considerable part of our rural population is yet to see the light of education. In this context, Pallimangal has been conducting a number of Non-formal Education centres at different villages to provide minimum literacy to them. Books, Khata, Teaching Materials, School Dress, Umbrella, Sataranjee, Jug and Bags are distributed to every student during the year. Presently 32 such NFE centres are being continued for the backward and down-trodden classes of children by Pallimangal in 28 villages under 16 Gram Panchayet areas and one in Tarakeswar Municipality through active involvement of village level organizations.
Educational Help
Every year around 1200 deserving students received the educational material such as note- book, pen, pencil, school bag etc. from the Math and 80 poor & meritorious students are awarded scholarship.